The 2024 Self-Care Challenge
A 29-day journey to understand your intuition, connect with your breath and body, and, most importantly, make space for yourself in your life
A Note from Jill
Welcome video from Jill
Setting up your Morning Routine
Self-Care Affirmations
Intention-Setting Meditation
Intuition vs. Anxiety: How to Tell the Difference (MasterClass Replay)
July 6th: Moon in Leo - Day 1: Let's Begin
July 7th: Moon in Leo - Day 2: You have a higher self
July 8th: Moon in Leo - Day 3: What do you need to heal?
July 9th: Moon in Virgo - Day 4: Are you Clairvoyant?
July 10: Moon in Virgo - Day 5: Are you Clairaudient?
July 11th: Moon in Virgo - Day 6: Are you Claircognizant?
July 12th: Moon in Libra - Day 7: Are you Clairsentient?
July 13th: Moon in Libra - Day 8: Dive deeper into feeling
July 14th: Moon in Scorpio - Day 9: Use your imagination
July 15th: Moon in Scorpio - Day 10: Pull a card or two
July 16th: Moon in Scorpio - Day 11: Your survival intuition
July 17th: Moon in Sagittarius - Day 12: Your heart intuition
July 18th: Moon in Sagittarius - Day 13: Your creative intuition
July 19th: Moon in Capricorn - Day 14: Your visionary intuition
July 20th: Moon in Capricorn - Day 15: Releasing blocks
July 21st: Moon in Aquarius - Day 16: Small Steps
July 22nd: Moon in Aquarius - Day 17: Make a choice
July 23rd: Moon in Pisces - Day 18: Your body has the answers
July 24: Moon in Pisces - Day 19: Begin to listen
July 25th: Moon in Aries - Day 20: Intuition vs anxiety
July 26th: Moon in Aries - Day 21: Connect with nature
July 27th: Moon in Aries - Day 22: Step into a new you
July 28th: Moon in Taurus - Day 23: Dealing with chaos
July 29th: Moon in Taurus - Day 24: Using your survival intuition
July 30th: Moon in Gemini - Day 25: Using your heart intuition
July 31st: Moon in Gemini - Day 26: Using your creative intuition
August 1st: Moon in Cancer - Day 27: Using your visionary intuition
August 2nd: Moon in Cancer - Day 28: Using your visionary intuition some more
August 3rd: Moon in Leo - Day 29: Congratulations!