Course curriculum

    1. Day 1: Welcome

    2. Day 2: Commit

    3. Day 3: Feel your oneness

    4. Day 4: The bigger picture

    5. Day 5: Reach for higher frequencies

    6. Day 6: Practice non-judgment

    1. Day 7: Feel your visions

    2. Day 8: Clarify

    3. Day 9: Creating a vision board

    4. Day 10: Take up space

    5. Day 11: Feeling and healing

    6. Day 12: Your intuition always knows

    7. Day 13: Break day

    1. Day 14: Survey your life

    2. Day 15: Working with resistance

    3. Day 16: Feeling worthy of your visions

    4. Day 17: Dissolve Comparison

    5. Day 18: Building awareness

    6. Day 19: Release

    7. Day 20: A Manifestation list

    8. Day 21: How to you feel about your visions?

    1. Day 22: No regrets

    2. Day 23: Anger, blame and forgiveness

    3. Day 24: Healing and shadows

    4. Day 25: Releasing negative energy habits

    5. Day 26: Your bigger “why”

    6. Day 27: Focusing on the bigger picture

    7. Day 28: Reflection and gratitude

Are You Ready?