Fierce Living
Embrace creativity, vulnerability, and your truest essence with this course. Step into a life of profound joy, gratitude, and unapologetic authenticity. Your fiercest life awaits.
Day 1: Welcome
Day 2: How we play
Day 3: Your fifth house of play
Day 4: What replenishes you?
Day 5: Play partners
Day 6: Foreboding Joy
Day 7: Time to reflect
Day 8: Learning about the Ego
Day 9: The truth of you
Day 10: The power of boundaries
Day 11: Commit to boundaries
Day 12: The thing we don’t like to talk about
Day 13: Ask your inner child
Day 14: Just be you
Day 15: Who are you?
Day 16: Comparison is a road to nowhere
Day 17: The only approval you need
Day 18: Owning it
Day 19: Shine
Day 20: Say no to people-pleasing
Day 21: Keep your word
Day 22: Facing vulnerability
Day 23: Building self-compassion
Day 24: Release certainty
Day 25: The interplay of creativity and vulnerability
Day 26: Your house of creativity
Day 27: Reflect
Day 28: Keep going
Fierce Living EFT Practice
Feeling Your Heart's Joy Meditation
Feeling Fear Meditation
Creativity Meditation