Feeling Intuition
Your intuition is your most powerful asset—discover how to listen, trust, and live by it. Unlock your inner wisdom with this course as you feel the different types of intuition and learn to recognize and trust them.
Day 1: Welcome!
Day 2: You have a higher self
Day 3: What do you need to heal?
Day 4: Are you Clairvoyant?
Day 5: Are you Clairaudient?
Day 6: Are you Claircognizant?
Day 7: Are you Clairsentient?
Day 8: Dive deeper into feeling
Day 9: Use your imagination
Day 10: Pull a card or two
Day 11: Your survival intuition
Day 12: Your heart intuition
Day 13: Your creative intuition
Day 14: Your visionary intuition
Day 15: Releasing blocks
Day 16: Small Steps
Day 17: Make a choice
Day 18: Your body has the answers
Day 19: Begin to listen
Day 20: Intuition vs anxiety
Day 21: Connect with nature
Day 22: Step into a new you
Day 23: Dealing with chaos
Day 24: Using your survival intuition
Day 25: Using your heart intuition
Day 26: Using your creative intuition
Day 27: Using your visionary intuition
Day 28: Using your visionary intuition some more
Day 29: Congratulations
Open to Receiving Meditation
Feeling Energy Centers Meditation
Indigo Light Meditation
Listening Meditation