Course curriculum

    1. Day 1: Welcome to Your Mindfulness Journey

    2. Day 2: Just Breathe

    3. Day 3: Beginner’s Mind

    4. Day 4: The Power of Present Moment Awareness

    5. Day 5: Non-Judgement

    1. Day 6: Body Scan Practice for Grounding and Relaxation

    2. Day 7: Mindful Eating: Nourish Your Body and Soul

    3. Day 8: Mindful Walking: Find Peace in Motion

    4. Day 9: Mindful Movement: Harmonizing Body and Mind

    5. Day 10: Mindful Communication: Deepening Connection Through Presence

    6. Day 11: Cultivating Gratitude and Appreciation

    7. Day 12: Break Day: Honoring Your Journey

    1. Day 13: Becoming the Observer: Cultivating Witness Consciousness

    2. Day 14: Leaning into Chaos with Presence

    3. Day 15: The Power of Acceptance: Embracing What Is

    4. Day 16: Letting Go of Control: Surrendering to the Flow of Life

    5. Day 17: Finding Stillness Within the Storm

    6. Day 18: Embracing Impermanence and Letting Go

    7. Day 19: Exploring Emotions with Mindful Awareness

    8. Day 20: Cultivating Presence in Relationships

    9. Day 21: Forgiveness and Compassion for Self and Others

    1. Day 22: Connecting with Your Inner Wisdom

    2. Day 23: Cultivating Joy and Appreciation for Life

    3. Day 24: Embracing Self-Care and Nourishment

    4. Day 25: Managing Stress with Mindfulness

    5. Day 26: Integrating Mindfulness into Daily Life

    6. Day 27: Reflecting on Your Mindfulness Journey

    7. Day 28: Congratulations

Are You Ready?